Friday, March 1, 2013

Learn new things...but keep the old: Slice of Life 1 of 31

"Make new friends, but keep the old.
One is silver, and the other's gold..."
Long ago as a Brownie Girl Scout, my scout mates and I harmonized to this tune around many a campfire.  Many years later, as a leader, I taught my own girls the truths in these simple words.  
Today as I embark on this Slice of Life journey, not only am I excited about making many new friends, but I am also overjoyed at the feeling of learning so many new things in such a short amount of time!  My brain has been on fire all day.  I literally had to stop on my way out of the shower this morning, still dripping and wrapped in a towel, to jot down some ideas so I wouldn't forget them in the midst of my busy day!  Now that the day has spent itself for the most part, and I am finally able to jot down these few words, I am realizing anew that I have been running on that "new idea" high all day!  

Before I even hit the shower this morning, I started in on my word I told you about yesterday...balance. tells me that the word 'balance' has more than 10 definitions in the noun form alone!  Ooh, do I have my work cut out for me!  And even now, I am attempting to both mentally and emotionally balance out all of this new knowledge.  I am not a techie girl, as my friend Cathy is, but I am learning!  In the last week, I have been introduced to (and have chosen to ignore, at least for now...remember I really really LIKE being married!) Twitter.  I've played with, and been very intrigued by, Evernote. I have learned how to link my post from here to Facebook, and most exciting to me right now...I figured out how to make those FIVE silly little links all by myself!  Those thoughts excite me!  

However, as I paddle about in this ocean of technology, I will do my level best to remember a few of the lessons, some profound, and some quite simple, that 47 years have already taught me....and have nothing whatsoever to do with technology.  There are certain things that just won't change, no matter what gets invented or reinvented. For example, blogging or not, I will always keep my secret stash of old magazines, scissors, glue sticks, and contact paper so I can collage up a new Writer's Notebook with my students each year.  The book will always be better than the movie.  My Ol' Man will always be way smarter than I ever gave him credit for as a teenager.  I will always try to leave things better than I found them. (Girl Scouts, again.)  Nice counts...more than most people know. Cheetahs nevah prospah!  (Thank you, Zazu from the Lion King!)  Not all who wander are lost. (Thank you, J. R. R. Tolkien and Life is Good Radio for reminding me!)  It is not so much what I teach my students...or my family...or my friends...but how I make them feel...that counts. the end...if I've learned nothing else this year, and re-learned this week...there is always something to love...and something new to learn!  Today I love learning new things!


  1. I love learning new things too...and I love your post. You have such a way with words. You write with such voice that I feel like I'm sitting and talking with you. Trish, I loved this line, "There are certain things that just won't change, no matter what gets invented or reinvented." I had to smile at the list that followed (great mentor text, I think). It made me wonder if you've read the book, "Wonder," by R.J. Palatio. I'm guessing you have, but if you haven't add it your list right now. Better yet, go track it down. It speaks the ending you shared here. I'm quite certain it will make your list of things you love.

    By the way, impressive links. I'm wondering what you will learn tomorrow.

    Welcome to the fun!

    1. I have not read that one Cathy, but will add to my list and call the library tomorrow! Thanks so much for holding my hand these last few days...and for the kind words! It's going to be a blast!

  2. Wow...such a beautiful first slice! :) I especially like the part where you talk about the things that will never change. I'm totally with you on the writer's notebook thing, the book ALWAYS being better than the movie thing, and the 'not all who wander are lost' thing. Keep challenging yourself to learn, for that's what life is all about. If we're not learning, what are we doing? Welcome to the SOL challenge! hope you have a blast!

  3. Welcome to the Slice of Life Writing Community! I so connected with the brownies and Girl Scouts thinking! I still know that song! I also connected with getting the ideas while taking a shower-and quickly getting out to jot down thinking!
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Welcome! I love your thoughts on the old ideas that you never want to leave behind. Those lessons are so important! I'm hoping my sons' time with the Cub Scouts will teach them the same kinds of valuable lessons.

    I find some of my best ideas develop in the shower - I really need a waterproof notebook.

  5. Welcome! I thought my Mom invented that "leave things nicer" adage--but we, too, were Girl Scouts. Love your lesson list and your loves and how both get down to what is really important in our lives: family, friendships, marriage--being with the people, not letting the technology (or all of those tasks) take over. Ideas and learning excites me too.

    Cheers to a fun challenge!
    Lee Ann
